Discourse Hosting

managed hosting für Ihr Discourse Forum

Progressive Web App
Wordpress Plugin

  • ✔️ Hosting in Germany
  • ✔️ Location of the Server can be chosen
  • ✔️ EU (Nuremberg or Helsinki)
  • ✔️ US Hillsboro Ashburn
  • ✔️ Managed Updates
  • ✔️ Dedicated IP Address
  • ✔️ Lets Encrypt SSL Zertifikat
  • ✔️ SMTP Relay E-Mail
  • ✔️ custom Domain
  • ✔️ Traffic Fair Use
  • ✔️ 100% Green Energy
  • ✔️ Custom Server installation available after 48 hours

miTT Discourse Business

  • ideal for small forums
  • monthly
  • EUR 49,00 plus VAT
  • cancelable at any time
  • Standard Plugins
  • 7 days free trial
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miTT Discourse Professional

  • most selected option
  • monthly
  • EUR 99,00 plus VAT
  • cancelable at any time
  • plugins chooseable
  • 7 days free trial
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miTT Discourse Enterprise

  • ideal for large forums monthly
  • EUR 169,00 zzgl. MwSt
  • cancelable at any time
  • plugins chooseable
  • 7 days free trial
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Discourse Hosting

Selecting discourse hosting isn’t just about finding a server space—it’s critical to the success of your online community. Is the service reliable? Can it scale with growing member activity? What about the support when you hit a snag? We dissect These vital considerations in this guide to help ensure a seamless, engaging experience for your Discourse participants.

Key Takeaways

  • We offer flexible and affordable Discourse hosting plans with customer support, accommodating community growth and ensuring high server uptime through
  • We provide custom domain integration, full push notification support, and the ability to integrate plugins and themes for a highly customizable and engaging Discourse forum experience.
  • My managed Discourse hosting includes automated backups, scalability for growing communities, and expert support.

Hosting Provider from GermanyDiscourse Hosting Server

As a German hosting provider in the realm of Discourse forum hosting, we distinguish ourselves through our unique offerings. Our flexible plans, high-performance servers, and stellar customer support make us a beacon of reliability in the world of Discourse hosting.

Plans Flexibility and Pricing

From nascent communities to bustling forums, the German hosting provider offers a pricing plan designed to meet your specific needs.

The diversity of the pricing options ensures that there’s a plan for every budget, ranging from:

  • €49 per month
  • €99 per month
  • €169 per month

Server Performance and Uptime

As a German hosting provider, we offer powerful servers with a 99.9% uptime guarantee, ensuring that your forum is always accessible to your community. Our data centers are strategically located in the United States and the European Union, providing optimal performance and redundancy.

Customer Support and Technical Assistance

As a responsible German hosting provider, we understand that with great power comes great responsibility. That's why our technical support team is always available to answer your pre-sales questions and help you with any post-sales issues.

As a responsible German hosting provider, we understand that with great power comes great responsibility. That's why our technical support team is always available to answer your pre-sales questions and help you with any post-sales issues.

Customising Your Discourse Experience

With options to establish a custom domain, enable push notifications, and integrate plugins and themes, you’re in the driver’s seat of your Discourse experience.

Branding with Your Domain

A custom domain isn’t merely an address but an extension of your brand’s identity. It provides a polished image and a distinct site for your forum within your main domain. And with the German hosting provider, setting up a custom domain for you. Regarding SEO, it is important to use your domain.

Push Notification Support

In our rapidly changing world, timeliness is crucial. Push notifications guarantee your community stays up-to-date. Whether it’s quoted posts, mentions, or replies, your users are always in the loop.

But it’s not just about keeping users informed; it’s also about engagement. With the Discourse Mobile app and services like Pushover, you can customize notifications for improved functionality across various platforms.

Integrating Plugins and Themes

Envision a Discourse forum as your personal creative space, where plugins and themes act as your palette and brushes. Celebrate user achievements with the Cakeday plugin, bring conversations to life with integrated chat services, or support your forum through Patreon integrations. These tools enhance the forum experience by expanding what you can do on the Discourse platform. As for themes, you're the master stylist. You decide the look and feel of your forum, from the color palette to the font choices, crafting a visual identity that resonates with your brand and style.

Keep in mind, plugins can transform the overall functionality of your forum, while themes directly influence the user interface and may affect the speed at which your pages load. Adding a new plugin is straightforward, but it's crucial to pay attention to the installation guidelines to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Managed Discourse Hosting, the advantage

Suppose you want to concentrate on fostering your community without being mired in technicalities. In that case, Managed Discourse Hosting is the solution you’ve been seeking for your hosted communities.

With automated backups, scalable resources, and professional support, it’s the hassle-free solution you’ve been waiting for.

Automatic Backups and Data Security

Data serves as the lifeline of your forum, demanding utmost protection. With the German hosting provider, you can sleep easy knowing your data is secure. Automatic backups ensure that all your data, from user accounts to posts, is safely stored away.

Scaling Resources as Your Community Grows

While growth is exhilarating, it also poses challenges. As your community flourishes, the demand for resources escalates. But with the German hosting provider, scaling resources is a breeze.

Whether it’s user activities or the crucial page view metric, the hosting service adapts to your needs, ensuring optimal performance and availability of your forum.

Access to Expertise

While venturing into the world of Discourse hosting might seem intimidating, rest assured you’re not alone. The German hosting provider ensures you have access to expert support. From server setup to technical guidance, you’re always one step ahead of the game.

Technical Requirements and Support

But what does it take to host Discourse? From a modern single core CPU to at least 10 GB of disk space, the technical requirements are surprisingly modest. And if you ever run into a roadblock, the German hosting provider is there with fully-managed technical support to get you back on track.

Enhancing Forum Engagement with Civilized Discourse Construction Kit

Hosting is merely the first step. Discourse Construction Kit enables you to elevate forum engagement to unprecedented heights. From building a moderation team to encouraging quality content, the Kit sets the stage for a vibrant community.

Building a Moderation Team

A dedicated moderation team is the backbone of every thriving community. Serving as role models and ensuring the forum remains a safe space, moderators are the unsung heroes of any community. But building a moderation team isn’t just about picking the most active members; it’s about providing training, fostering open communication, and setting up a transparent escalation process to address issues effectively.

And while the size of your moderation team depends on the size of your community, having a few active moderators can go a long way in ensuring timely moderation. Remember, a good moderator isn’t just about having strong verbal abilities; they should embody the values of the community.

Encouraging Quality Content

Just like in any community, content reigns supreme in yours too. Whether it’s thought-provoking discussions or helpful tips, quality content is what keeps your community coming back for more. But how do you ensure your content is seen by the right people? By establishing clear guidelines, generating valuable content, and initiating discussions that provide genuine assistance, you can attract and engage users like never before.

And to motivate users to share high-quality content, you can provide meaningful categories, add engaging questions, and even use pop-up messages or overlays for non-logged in users. Remember, sometimes it’s the intrinsic motivations that outweigh external rewards.

Implementing User Feedback Systems

Just as feedback fuels champions, it plays an equally critical role in your community’s growth. User feedback not only enhances the overall experience but also helps you pinpoint areas for significant work and improvement.

With the Discourse User Feedbacks plugin, users can rate and provide feedback to their fellow community members, promoting interaction and ensuring everyone has a voice.

Security and Compliance in Discourse Hosting

Web Crawler Management

While ‘web crawlers’ might conjure images of sci-fi creatures, they are indispensable for enhancing your forum’s visibility. By downloading and indexing content from the internet, they help your forum rank higher in search results. But unchecked web crawler activity can lead to unauthorized access and data breaches.

That’s why the German hosting provider gives you control over web crawler activity, ensuring improved site performance and security.

Data Privacy and GDPR Compliance

In our era, where data carries the weight of oil, privacy has become as precious as gold. And with GDPR, it’s not just about privacy; it’s about user trust. From limiting data collection to obtaining explicit consent, the German hosting provider ensures your forum is a fortress of data privacy.

From Setup to Launch: Your Discourse Forum Journey

Initial Configuration and Setup Wizard

The Setup Wizard makes configuring your Discourse forum a walk in the park. From configuring basic settings to inviting moderators and staff, the Setup Wizard guides you every step of the way.

Creating Categories and Setting Permissions

Categories and permissions are instrumental in creating a well-organized forum that’s a delight to navigate. Whether it’s controlling access or streamlining interaction, the German hosting provider gives you the tools to create a forum that’s as unique as your community.

Engaging Your First Members

While your forum is set up and primed for action, it won’t be a community until members join. Here are some ways to kickstart your community and set the stage for vibrant discussions:

  1. Feature a pinned topic to highlight important information or guidelines.
  2. Populate your forum with meaningful categories to organize discussions.
  3. Add engaging questions to encourage members to start conversations.
  4. Use email marketing to reach out to potential members and invite them to join the conversation.

By implementing these strategies, you can attract members and create an active and engaging community.


Hosting a Discourse forum is worth it with the right provider. From flexible plans and high-performance servers and GDPR compliance, the German hosting provider ensures you’re covered every step of the way. So why wait? Start your Discourse forum journey today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Using a custom domain for a Discourse forum enhances its branding and allows for personalized introduction pages, creating a distinct site within the main domain.

The benefits of Managed Discourse hosting include automated backups, scalable resources, and professional support, which help you focus on building your community without worrying about technical aspects.

To encourage quality content creation in your Discourse forum, provide meaningful categories with engaging topics, add discussion prompts, and encourage participation through notifications or prompts. This will motivate users to share high-quality content.

To engage the first members of your Discourse forum, feature a pinned introduction topic, populate meaningful categories and content, and send automatic welcome messages to new members. This will help to create a welcoming and active community.